12-th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network
based Processing
A Coruņa - Spain PDP2004 February, 11 - 13, 2004
The Twelfth Euromicro Conference covers all the fields of high-performance
computing, from the end-user applications to new scientific results
in architectures, models and languages. The conference provides a
forum for the presentation of all the issues related to parallel,
distributed and network computing. This year the scope of the
conference is further expanded with additional
themes to emphasize computer graphics applications and internet-based
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Advanced Applications: multi-disciplinary aplications, parallel databases,
computation over irregular domains, numerical applications
with multi-level parallelism, real time distributed applications,
distributed business applications.
- Distributed Systems: distributed databases, distributed OO systems,
distributed operating systems, heterogeneous distributed systems, distributed algorithms, distributed shared memory systems, distributed agente systems and applications.
- Languages, Compilers and Runtime Support Systems : task and data parallel languages, functional and logic languages, object oriented languages, dependability issues, scheduling and load balancing, task and object migration.
- Models and Tools for Parallel Programming Environments : performance prediction and analysis, simulation, knowledge-based parallel program development, visualization tools.
- Network-based and Internet-Based Computing : web computing, cluster computing, computational grid, data grids, metacomputing, hypercomputing.
- Parallel Computer Systems: massively parallel machines, interconnection networks, embedded parallel and distributed systems, fault-tolerance, memory organization, support for parallel I/O.
The conference proceedings are published by IEEE
Computer Society. The proceedings volume will be available at
the conference.
Additionally, an extended version of the best papers of the workshop will be selected
for publication in the Special Issue on "Parallel, Distributed and Network based
Processing" of the Journal of Systems Architecture to appear in 2004